Sunday, 19 May 2013

html5 all tags with description

API NameSummary
!DOCTYPEDocument Type Declaration, or DOCTYPE, is an instruction that associates a particular SGML or XML document (for example, a webpage) with a Document Type Definition (DTD) (for example, the formal definition of a particular version of HTML). In the serialized form of the document, it manifests as a short string of markup that conforms to a particular syntax.
aThe a element (<a>) defines a hyperlink (a link) to any content, may be another page, another section of the same page, an image/file or it may invoke a JavaScript function.
abbrThe abbr element (<abbr>) represents an abbreviation or acronym, optionally with its expansion. The title attribute may be used to provide an expansion of the abbreviation. The attribute, if specified, must contain an expansion of the abbreviation, and nothing else.
acronymThe acronym element (<acronym>) indicates an abbreviation or a word formed by the initial letter or letters (or major parts) of a compound term.
addressThe address element (<address>) encloses contact information of the owner or the author of the document or the article.
appletThe applet element (<applet>) embeds a Java applet into a web page.
areaThe area element (<area>) represents either a hyperlink with some text and a corresponding area on an image map, or a dead area on an image map.
articleThe article element (<article>) defines a self-contained composition within a page.
asideThe aside element (<aside>) indicates content that is only tangentially related to the rest of the content.
audioThe audio element (<audio>) is used for playing audio files and may display a minimal media player user interface.
bThe b element (<b>) historically was used to tell the browser to make the nested text bold. While the <b> element is widely supported in browsers, its use is not recommended, as CSS can be used to achieve the same effect. In HTML5, it merely signifies that the text should be stylistically distinguished in some way.
baseThe base element (<base>) allows authors to specify the document base URL for the purposes of resolving relative URLs, and the name of the default browsing context for the purposes of following hyperlinks. The element does not represent any content beyond this information.
basefontThe basefont element (<basefont>) allows specifying a default font-color and font-size for text on the entire page.The <basefont> element is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
bdoThe bdo element (<bdo>) allows you to specify the direction in which text is to be rendered on the page. ("BDO" stands for Bi-Directional Override.)
bgSoundThe bgsound element (<bgsound>) instructs the browser to load and play a sound file while the user is on that page.Don't use it. Use the audio element instead.
bigThe big element (<big>) indicates that the enclosed text should be display in a larger font size than surrounding text.This element is considered obsolete in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
blockquoteThe blockquote element (<blockquote>) indicates an extended quotation.
bodyThe body element (<body>) represents the main content of the document.
brThe br element (<br>) forcibly breaks (ends) the current line of text, without starting a new paragraph.
buttonThe button element (<button>) defines a clickable button.
canvasThe canvas element (<canvas>) provides scripts with a resolution-dependent bitmap canvas, which can be used for rendering graphs, game graphics, or other visual images on the fly. The canvas element is one of the most important elements introduced in HTML5.
captionThe caption element (<caption>) specifies a brief description for a table.The <caption> element must be inserted immediately after the <table> element.
centerThe center element (<center>) center-aligns text in an HTML page.The <center> element is deprecated in HTML 4.01 and obsolete in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
citeThe cite element (<cite>) defines the title of a work in HTML5; or a citation in HTML 4.01.
codeThe code element (<code>) specifies a fragment of computer code.
colThe col element (<col>) specifies properties for each column within a <colgroup> element in a <table>.
colgroupThe colgroup element (<colgroup>) specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting.This element is useful for applying properties to entire columns, instead of repeating the properties for each cell, for each row.
commentThe comment syntax indicates text within an HTML document that is not displayed on the rendered page in the browser.A comment starts with <!-- and ends with -->.
customRepresents a user-defined HTML tag.
datalistThe datalist element (<datalist>) represents a set of <option> elements that represent predefined options for other controls. It may be associated with an <input> element by adding a list attribute to the input element.
ddThe dd element (<dd>) represents the description, definition, or value, part of a term-description group in a description list (<dl> element).
delThe del element (<del>) indicates text that has been deleted from the document. Browsers normally strike a line through deleted text.
dfnThe dfn element (<dfn>) indicates the defining instance of a term.
dirThe dir element (<dir>) is used to list directory titles.The <dir> element is deprecated in HTML 4.01, and obsolete in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
divThe div element (<div>) is a generic block-level container that has no semantic value other than the one that you give it via id or class attributes. It can be used for a variety of purposes including the styling of common elements, or for grouping elements with common attributes.
dlThe dl element (<dl>) is used to define a definition list. It encloses a list of definition items which consist of two parts, a term (<dt>) and a description (<dd>).
dtThe dt element (<dt>) indicates a definition term within a definition list (<dl>).
emThe em element (<em>) indicates text that should be emphasized, usually by rendering it in Italic style text.
embedThe embed element (<embed>) defines a container for an external application or interactive content (a plug-in).The <embed> element is new in HTML5.
fieldsetThe fieldset element (<fieldset>) is used to group related elements in a form.Typically, the browser draws a box around the text and other elements that the field set contains.
figcaptionThe figcaption (<figcaption>) defines a caption or legend for a figure element.This element is new in HTML5.
figureThe figure element (<figure>) represents self-contained content, optionally with a caption, that can be referenced as a single unit from the main content of the document.
fontThe font element (<font>) specifies the font face, font size, and font color of text.The <font> element is deprecated in HTML 4.01, and obsolete in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
footerThe footer element (<footer>) was introduced in HTML5 for modeling the footer sections of real-world documents. The basic motivation for introducing the footer element was to eliminate the overuse of <div> elements and creating a suitable element for the links and text that are usually located at the bottom of the webpages.
formThe form element (<form>) defines an HTML form for user input, subsequently to be submitted to a website or service.
frameThe frame element (<frame>) defines one particular window (frame) within a <frameSet>.The <frame> element is obsolete in HTML5.
frameSetThe frameset element (<frameset>) defines a collection of frames.The <frameset> element holds one or more <frame> elements. Each <frame> element can hold a separate document. The <frameset> tag is obsolete in HTML5.
headThe head element (<head>) represents a collection of metadata for the document.
headerThe header element (<header>) represents the header of a section.
hgroupThe hgroup element (<hgroup>) is typically used to group a set of one or more h1-h6 elements — to group, for example, a section title and an accompanying subtitle. The hgroup element (<hgroup>) element is obsolete in HTML5.
hnThe h1 through h6 elements define levels of headings within a document.
hrThe hr element (<hr>) represents a paragraph-level thematic break in text. ("HR" stands for "horizontal rule", but browsers are not required to use a horizontal rule to represent this element.)
htmlThe html element (<html>) represents the root of an HTML document.
html comment data-typeComments in HTML delimit parts of the source document that are not rendered by the browser.
iThe i element (<i>) historically was used to indicate that the text should be rendered in Italic type, where available. In HTML5, it indicates that the text is in a different voice or mood, or otherwise offset, from the surrounding text,
iframeThe iframe element (<iframe>) introduces a new nested browsing context.
imgThe img element (<img>) embeds an image in a document. The <img> element can be nested in an <a> element to create an image that links to another page or section. Alternatives to the <img> element include setting the background-image property of an element.
inputThe input element (<input>) is a multipurpose element for representing form widgets. The type of widget depends on the type attribute of the element.
buttonThe button type of the <input> element represents a button with no default behavior.
checkboxThe checkbox type of the <input> element represents a state or option that can be toggled.
colorThe color type of the <input> element provides a widget for selecting a color value.
dateThe date type of the <input> element represents a widget for specifying a date value (year, month, day), with no time zone or time information.
datetime-localThe datetime-local type of the <input> element represents a widget for setting a date-time value (year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds) with no time zone information.
emailThe email type of the <input> element represents a field for entering an e-mail address.
fileThe file type of the <input> element represents widget for specifying a file.
hiddenThe hidden type of the <input> element represents a value that is hidden from the user, but which is sent with the form data; the value can be set programatically.
imageThe image type of the <input> element represents an image. The user can either use the image as a button to submit the form, or select a coordinate of the image to be submitted with the form data.
monthThe month of the <input> element represents a widget for entering a month value.
numberThe number type of the <input> element represents a widget for entering a number.
passwordThe password type of the <input> element represents a one-line plain-text edit control for entering a password, which renders input text in such a way as to hide the characters (e.g., a series of asterisks).
radioThe radio type of the <input> element represents a radio button control.
rangeAn input field for setting a number value that falls in a given range.
resetAn input form button that resets the form to default values.
searchAn input text field that is used for search queries.
submitAn input form button that submits the form data to the server.
telAn input field intended for entering a telephone number; does not enforce any syntax.
textThe input element with a type attribute whose value is "text" represents a one-line plain text edit control for the input element’s value.
timeAn input field for entering a specific time value.
urlAn input field for entering a single, absolute URL value.
weekAn input field for entering a value that represents a specific week.
insThe ins element represents a range of text that has been inserted (added) to a document.
isIndexA single-line text input field.
kbdThe kbd element represents user input.
labelSpecifies a label for another element on the page.
legendThe legend element represents a title or explanatory caption for the rest of the contents of the legend element’s parent element.
liDenotes one item in a list.
linkEnables the current document to establish links to external documents.
listingRenders text of the element (usually in monospace font) without interpreting contain HTML markup; obsoleted by pre and code elements.
mainRepresents the main content of the body of a document or application.
mapContains coordinate data for client-side image maps.
markRepresents a run of text that has been marked or highlighted.
marqueeDefines a scrolling area (usually horizontal) of text.
mediaPresents audio or video data to the user. The media element provides the audio and video objects which are used to play sound and video content.
menuCreates an unordered list of items.
metaConveys hidden information about the document to the server and the client.
meterThe HTML <meter> element represents a value within a specified range. This value can be any real number.
navThe HTML Navigation Element (<nav>) represents a section of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section with navigation links
nextIDAn identifier, automatically generated by the early NeXT web editor.
noBRIndicates that the enclosed text should not be broken across lines; use the CSS property white-space instead.
noFramesProvides content for browsers that cannot, or are configured not to, display frames.
noScriptSpecifies HTML to be displayed in documents that do not support scripting.
objectInserts an object into the HTML page.
olDraws lines of text as a numbered list.
optgroupAllows authors to group choices logically in a select element.
optionDenotes one choice in a select element.
pThe p (for paragraph) element (<p>) represents a paragraph.
paramThis element defines parameters for plugins invoked by object elements.
preThe pre tag defines preformatted text. Text in a pre element is displayed in a fixed-width font and preserves both spaces and line breaks.
progressProgress is a number in the range zero to a maximum, giving the fraction of work that has so far been completed. The progress element is not the correct element to use for something that is just a gauge, as opposed to task progress. For instance, indicating disk space usage using progress would be inappropriate. Instead, the meter element is available for such use cases.
qThe q element represents some phrasing content quoted from another source.
rtThe rt element marks the ruby text component of a ruby annotation.
rubyThe ruby element allows one or more spans of phrasing content to be marked with ruby annotations. Ruby annotations are short runs of text presented alongside base text, primarily used in East Asian typography as a guide for pronunciation or to include other annotations.
sThe s element represents contents that are no longer accurate or no longer relevant and that therefore has been “struck” from the document.
sampThe samp element represents output from a program or computing system.
scriptThe script element enables dynamic script and data blocks to be included in documents.
sectionDefines sections in a document, such as chapters, headers, footers, or any other sections of the document. It is new to HTML5.
selectThe select element is used to create a drop-down list. Used with option tags inside the select element to define the available options in the list.
smallDefines inline text that will appear small. Used for fine print.
sourceAllows developer to specify multiple alternative media resources for media elements, such as video and audio. It does not represent anything on its own, and is used with src attribute to specify the URL.
spanGroups inline elements in a document. The span element is both style and semantics neutral; it does not assign any style attributes or semantic meaning on its own.
strikeDefines strikethrough text. It is deprecated in HTML4 and not supported in HTML5. Use the del tag instead.
strongDefines important text. Renders as bold.
styleDefines style information for an HTML document. Inside the style element you specify how HTML elements should render in a browser. Each HTML document can contain multiple style tags.
subDefines subscript text. Subscript text appears half a character below the baseline.
supDefines superscript text. Superscript text appears half a character above the baseline.
tableDefines an HTML table.
tbodyThe tbody tag is used to group the body content in an HTML table.
tdDefines a standard cell in an HTML table.
textareaThe textarea tag defines a multi-line text input control.A text area can hold an unlimited number of characters, and the text renders in a fixed-width font (usually Courier).
tfootThe tfoot tag is used to group footer content in an HTML table.
thThe th tag defines a header cell in an HTML table.
theadThe thead tag is used to group header content in an HTML table.
timeThe time tag defines either a time (24 hour clock), or a date in the Gregorian calendar, optionally with a time and a time-zone offset. It does not render differently in any of the major browsers.This element can be used as a way to encode dates and times in a machine-readable way so that, for example, user agents can offer to add birthday reminders or scheduled events to the user's calendar.
titleDefines the title of the current document.
trThe tr element represents a row of cells in a table.
trackThe track tag specifies text tracks for media elements (audio and video).This element is used to specify subtitles, caption files or other files containing text, that should be visible when the media is playing.
Track is new to HTML5 and is not yet supported in any major browser.
ttStands for "teletype text," sets font in fixed-width.This feature is supported in HTML4, but is non-conforming in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
uUnderlines text inline.Deprecated in HTML4, redefined in HTML5. In HTML5 it is used to express "an unarticulated, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation," such as a proper name in Chinese or a spelling error.
ulDefines an unordered list, usually bulleted.
varDefines a variable.
videoThe video tag allows a developer to embed a video in a document. It is new to HTML5. Different browsers have various format support
wbrThe Word Break Opportunity (wbr) element represents a position within text where the browser may optionally break a line, though its line-breaking rules would not otherwise create a break at that location.
xmlDefines a simple XML data that can be embedded directly in an HTML page.

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