Friday, 9 May 2014



IE                      8.0+      
FIREFOX             3.5+       
SAFARI CHROME  4.0+         
OPERA               4.0+       
IPHONE              10.5+     
ANDROID            2.0+       

From your JavaScript code, you’ll access HTML5 Storage through the localStorage object on the global window object. Before you can use it, you should detect whether the browser supports it.
 check for HTML5 Storage
function supports_html5_storage() {
  try {
    return 'localStorage' in window && window['localStorage'] !== null;
  } catch (e) {
    return false;
Instead of writing this function yourself, you can use Modernizr to detect support for HTML5 Storage.

if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
  // window.localStorage is available!
} else {
  // no native support for HTML5 storage :(
  // maybe try or a third-party solution
HTML5 Storage is based on named key/value pairs. You store data based on a named key, then you can retrieve that data with the same key. The named key is a string. The data can be any type supported by JavaScript, including strings, Booleans, integers, or floats. However, the data is actually stored as a string. If you are storing and retrieving anything other than strings, you will need to use functions like parseInt() or parseFloat() to coerce your retrieved data into the expected JavaScript datatype.
interface Storage {
  getter any getItem(in DOMString key);
  setter creator void setItem(in DOMString key, in any data);
Calling setItem() with a named key that already exists will silently overwrite the previous value. Calling getItem() with a non-existent key will return null rather than throw an exception.
Like other JavaScript objects, you can treat the localStorage object as an associative array. Instead of using the getItem() and setItem() methods, you can simply use square brackets. For example, this snippet of code:
var foo = localStorage.getItem("bar");
// ...
localStorage.setItem("bar", foo);
…could be rewritten to use square bracket syntax instead:

var foo = localStorage["bar"];
// ...
localStorage["bar"] = foo;
There are also methods for removing the value for a given named key, and clearing the entire storage area (that is, deleting all the keys and values at once).
interface Storage {
  deleter void removeItem(in DOMString key);
  void clear();
Calling removeItem() with a non-existent key will do nothing.
Finally, there is a property to get the total number of values in the storage area, and to iterate through all of the keys by index (to get the name of each key).
interface Storage {
  readonly attribute unsigned long length;
  getter DOMString key(in unsigned long index);
If you call key() with an index that is not between 0–(length-1), the function will return null.

If you want to keep track programmatically of when the storage area changes, you can trap the storage event. The storage event is fired on the window object whenever setItem(), removeItem(), or clear() is called and actually changes something. For example, if you set an item to its existing value or call clear() when there are no named keys, the storage event will not fire, because nothing actually changed in the storage area.
The storage event is supported everywhere the localStorage object is supported, which includes Internet Explorer 8. IE 8 does not support the W3C standard addEventListener (although that will finally be added in IE 9). Therefore, to hook the storage event, you’ll need to check which event mechanism the browser supports. (If you’ve done this before with other events, you can skip to the end of this section. Trapping the storage event works the same as every other event you’ve ever trapped. If you prefer to use jQuery or some other JavaScript library to register your event handlers, you can do that with the storage event, too.)

if (window.addEventListener) {
  window.addEventListener("storage", handle_storage, false);
} else {
  window.attachEvent("onstorage", handle_storage);
The handle_storage callback function will be called with a StorageEvent object, except in Internet Explorer where the event object is stored in window.event.
function handle_storage(e) {
  if (!e) { e = window.event; }
At this point, the variable e will be a StorageEvent object, which has the following useful properties.

key                  string         the named key that was added, removed, or modified
oldValue           any            the previous value (now overwritten), or null if a new item                                             was added
newValue           any           the new value, or null if an item was removed
url*                    string        the page which called a method that triggered this change

* Note: the url property was originally called uri. Some browsers shipped with that property before the specification changed. For maximum compatibility, you should check whether the url property exists, and if not, check for the uri property instead.
The storage event is not cancelable. From within the handle_storage callback function, there is no way to stop the change from occurring. It’s simply a way for the browser to tell you, “hey, this just happened. There’s nothing you can do about it now; I just wanted to let you know.”

Let’s see HTML5 Storage in action. Recall the Halma game we constructed in the canvas chapter. There’s a small problem with the game: if you close the browser window mid-game, you’ll lose your progress. But with HTML5 Storage, we can save the progress locally, within the browser itself. Here is a live demonstration. Make a few moves, then close the browser tab, then re-open it. If your browser supports HTML5 Storage, the demonstration page should magically remember your exact position within the game, including the number of moves you’ve made, the position of each of the pieces on the board, and even whether a particular piece is selected.
How does it work? Every time a change occurs within the game, we call this function:
function saveGameState() {
    if (!supportsLocalStorage()) { return false; }
    localStorage[""] = gGameInProgress;
    for (var i = 0; i < kNumPieces; i++) {
                localStorage["halma.piece." + i + ".row"] = gPieces[i].row;
                localStorage["halma.piece." + i + ".column"] = gPieces[i].column;
    localStorage["halma.selectedpiece"] = gSelectedPieceIndex;
    localStorage["halma.selectedpiecehasmoved"] = gSelectedPieceHasMoved;
    localStorage["halma.movecount"] = gMoveCount;
    return true;
As you can see, it uses the localStorage object to save whether there is a game in progress (gGameInProgress, a Boolean). If so, it iterates through the pieces (gPieces, a JavaScript Array) and saves the row and column number of each piece. Then it saves some additional game state, including which piece is selected (gSelectedPieceIndex, an integer), whether the piece is in the middle of a potentially long series of hops (gSelectedPieceHasMoved, a Boolean), and the total number of moves made so far (gMoveCount, an integer).
On page load, instead of automatically calling a newGame() function that would reset these variables to hard-coded values, we call a resumeGame() function instead. Using HTML5 Storage, the resumeGame() function checks whether a state about a game-in-progress is stored locally. If so, it restores those values using the localStorage object.
function resumeGame() {
    if (!supportsLocalStorage()) { return false; }
    gGameInProgress = (localStorage[""] == "true");
    if (!gGameInProgress) { return false; }
    gPieces = new Array(kNumPieces);
    for (var i = 0; i < kNumPieces; i++) {
                var row = parseInt(localStorage["halma.piece." + i + ".row"]);
                var column = parseInt(localStorage["halma.piece." + i + ".column"]);
                gPieces[i] = new Cell(row, column);
    gNumPieces = kNumPieces;
    gSelectedPieceIndex = parseInt(localStorage["halma.selectedpiece"]);
    gSelectedPieceHasMoved = localStorage["halma.selectedpiecehasmoved"] == "true";
    gMoveCount = parseInt(localStorage["halma.movecount"]);
    return true;
The most important part of this function is the caveat that I mentioned earlier in this chapter, which I’ll repeat here: Data is stored as strings. If you are storing something other than a string, you’ll need to coerce it yourself when you retrieve it. For example, the flag for whether there is a game in progress (gGameInProgress) is a Boolean. In the saveGameState() function, we just stored it and didn’t worry about the datatype:
localStorage[""] = gGameInProgress;
But in the resumeGame() function, we need to treat the value we got from the local storage area as a string and manually construct the proper Boolean value ourselves:
gGameInProgress = (localStorage[""] == "true");
Similarly, the number of moves is stored in gMoveCount as an integer. In the saveGameState() function, we just stored it:
localStorage["halma.movecount"] = gMoveCount;
But in the resumeGame() function, we need to coerce the value to an integer, using the parseInt() function built into JavaScript:
gMoveCount = parseInt(localStorage["halma.movecount"]);

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